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Meet Your Coach

Dr. Marcus Abreu

Ever think, "I can do this, I just need some help"

Couples who are overwhelmed with the lack of communication in their relationship and are ready to make the changes to regain the love, respect, and trust that they both desire. I teach them the skills necessary to stay in love, grow in love, and fall in love over and over. I was a young lad- 😉 - the way I got started coaching couples was more based on curiosity than need. Everyone that gets married might not be totally sure about what the future holds but they all figure that they will be the ones that overcome the statistics. But the sad reality is that almost 50% of marriages will end up in divorce. I saw friends that seemed just like us get married and divorced within 7 to 8 years. I had several couples in my chiropractic office that were high school sweethearts just like Michelle (my wife) and I were and they were getting divorced some after 30+ years. I did not want that for my marriage. I also had patients asking me how Michelle and I made it work? I didn't know. I never thought about it. And if I did think about it how do I know that is what helped. So I set out on a quest in search of why some relationships make it and others don't. Obviously, I am not the first to ask that question so I scoured the information world for everything I could learn about the science of relationships. I read books, reviewed research, took programs, advanced my coaching education, and started taking clients to test out my framework. And now here I am.

Brilliant Balance Defined

Have a blind spot? Let's uncover it so you can happily navigate life!

Go from Confusion to Clarity. Insomnia to Restful Sleep. Anxiety to Passion & Purpose. Make progress in all that you desire to accomplish. It's much easier when you have a guide. We can tackle what is holding you back and help you forge ahead.

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